Interested in building the workforce of tomorrow?

Employing an apprentice or trainee through Australian Training Company (ATC) is a smart solution for your business needs. We are a leading provider of business solutions through the creation of education, employment and training opportunities.


The Australian Training Company offers a group training solution which includes:

Candidate selection & recruitment

Mentoring & support

A fixed hourly rate to cover all employee

entitlements – starting from $29.53

PPE and safety inductions

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I get to choose my apprentice?

Employing an apprentice or trainee through Australian Training Company (ATC) is a smart solution for your business needs. We are a leading provider of business solutions through the creation of education, employment and training opportunities.

Who looks after RTO enrolments?

Australian Training Company does! We also regularly update the Host Employer with the apprentice’s progress at TAFE/RTO and provide you with a copy of their results as they become available.

Add an apprentice to your team?

Contact Karen Simpson: 0408 204 870 or